Edward Said Public Library (ESPL)


ESPL was established in 2019 and named after the Palestinian thinker Edward Said, who made significant contributions to literature and music, thereby enriching Palestinian culture. ESPL is a strategic project funded by the Middle East Children's Alliance and implemented by the Youth Vision Society. It promotes human rights and instills a culture of guidance. Additionally, it provides Palestinian youth and children with a safe and disciplined space where they can enhance and utilize their skills.
Moreover, ESPL works to raise awareness about the importance of self-learning by equipping participants with modern and up-to-date methods and techniques for self-education.


ESPL offers high-quality and prestigious services that are accessible to all age groups in Gaza, such as music, computer, English language, and reading services through its four corners: the Music Corner, English Language Corner, Computer Corner, and Library Corner. Moreover, ESPL is of utmost significance to the residents of Gaza as it targets all segments of society, regardless of ethnicity, creed, gender, political affiliation, or religion.

ESPL plays an indispensable role in enhancing and raising awareness of Palestinian cultural heritage through its Music Corner, Library Corner, and English Language Corner. The Music Corner at ESPL promotes peace and non-violence to create a peaceful culture in Gaza. Additionally, the Library Corner at ESPL is equipped with various books that raise awareness of both ancient and modern Palestinian cultural heritage.
Furthermore, ESPL’s English Corner program disseminates Palestinian culture through sessions and communication programs with foreigners to connect people from outside Gaza with Palestinian issues.

4The Corners

Branches of the Library


 Gaza Branch 


North Branch


 Jerusalem Branch


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